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They say, "Write the story you want to read." Krista Wallace (Pulp Literature, Heart's Kiss, 49th Parallels, etc) reads her Fantasy fiction for your enjoyment. Novel-length and short fiction, plus chats and readings with other authors and cool folk. **This show contains mature subject matter not intended for younger audiences.**

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
20 - Chats With Cool Folk #2: Julia Mackey and Dirk Van Stralen
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
My daughter Maggie works with some pretty Cool Folk. While on our holiday in Wells, she, my husband Matt, and I had a fantastic hang-out with Jules and Dirk, who run the Sunset Theatre in Wells, and--usually--tour a wonderful play called Jake's Gift, which is dedicated to veterans. We talk about bugs, about Jake's Gift, and about how Covid is affecting our livelihoods, namely live theatre. Jules also invents a new cocktail!
Click here for info about Dirk: https://www.vanstralen.design/order-books-contact
Click here for info about Jules, and Jake's Gift: https://jakesgift.com
My website: http://kristawallace.com
Find my audiobooks on Chirp! https://www.chirpbooks.com/search?q=Krista%20Wallace&filter=authors
Find my audiobooks on Apple Books! https://books.apple.com/us/author/krista-wallace/id1153781706#see-all/audio-books

Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
21 - Chats With Cool Folk #3: Danette Boucher and James Douglas
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Let's go back up to the Cariboo one last time! Fellow UVic Theatre grad Danette Boucher plays Miss Florence Wilson and James Douglas is a filmmaker and Public Programming & Media Development Lead, both at Barkerville Historic Town and Park. Over dinner Matt and I learn some super interesting BC history, how Danette got into Historical Interpretation, and about James' experience directing The Doctor's Case by Stephen King. Badge stitching will come up yet again, and we discuss the question, "What does James really want for Christmas?"
More info about James: https://barkerstreetcinema.ca/bio
More info about Danette: https://histrionicstheatre.co/danette-boucher/
My website: http://kristawallace.com
Find my audiobooks on Chirp! https://www.chirpbooks.com/search?q=Krista%20Wallace&filter=authors
Find my audiobooks on Apple Books! https://books.apple.com/us/author/krista-wallace/id1153781706#see-all/audio-books

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
22 - Gatekeeper's Deception 1 - Whatever it Takes
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Kyer and friends learn about Alon Maer's terrible illness. Kyer and Phennil bond even as the tiniest of rifts is notched in Kyer and Derry's relationship. Kyer has a mysterious encounter.
My website: http://kristawallace.com
Find my audiobooks on Chirp! https://www.chirpbooks.com/search?q=Krista%20Wallace&filter=authors
Find my audiobooks on Apple Books! https://books.apple.com/us/author/krista-wallace/id1153781706#see-all/audio-books

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
23 - Gatekeeper's Deception 2 - It Would Not be an Apology
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Kyer struggles with her conscience amid the commotion of an incident. Hunter is given his first official task as chief.
My website: http://kristawallace.com
Find my audiobooks on Chirp! https://www.chirpbooks.com/search?q=Krista%20Wallace&filter=authors
Find my audiobooks on Apple Books! https://books.apple.com/us/author/krista-wallace/id1153781706#see-all/audio-books

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
24 - Gatekeeper's Deception 3 - What Better Way to Infiltrate
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
A resident of Hreth receives a letter. The company receives dinner guests in the Donnan Forest.
My website: http://kristawallace.com
Find my audiobooks on Chirp! https://www.chirpbooks.com/search?q=Krista%20Wallace&filter=authors
Find my audiobooks on Apple Books! https://books.apple.com/us/author/krista-wallace/id1153781706#see-all/audio-books

Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
25 - Broken Recorder Sessions #1
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
What do you do when you have a problem? You call for help! I called out via several Facebook groups for writers to send me readings. Six authors share excerpts of their work for your enjoyment and interest.
Brenda Carre - The Gift
Joyous Christmas and its two fellow anthologies, Bloody Christmas and Winter Holidays, began as a Holiday Kickstarter in 2019. Joyous Christmas includes two of my stories (The Gift and Green Girl) alongside a trove of joyous, feel-good stories. Find it in e-book and hard copy here:
and here to get the link on all three anthologies: https://www.wmgpublishinginc.com/project/holiday-anthology-series/
You can also find Brenda and more information on her writing and art at https://brendacarre.com/And on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/carrtell/
Manny Frishberg - The Singer and the Song
This flash story was originally published by Evil Girlfriend Media.com. "The whale in the story, a finback-blue whale cross who sang at an unusual pitch was/is real. Someone I met at Miscon showed me the article in National Geographic at lunch."
Rhiannon Held - Clean Install
Rhiannon is also the author of the urban fantasy series, Silver, as well as several others. Find more about Rhiannon and her work at https://rhiannonheld.com
Sandra Hunter - Daughter of Earth and Fire
Learn more about Sandra at https://sandraahunter.com
Edwin Downward - One's Place
Find more of Edwin's work at edwindownward.com/published-works
Carol Berg - the Spirit Lens
Find more information about Carol's amazing collection of epic fantasy novels at https://www.carolberg.com. She also writes The Chimera trilogy under the name Cate Glass. http://www.categlass.com

Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
26 - Broken Recorder Sessions #2: WTF Audacity??
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
This week not only do I not have my recorder, but Audacity keeps crashing. The final edits for this episode were complete in Garage Band, so everything sounds weird. Just guess how thrilled I am about that. I dare you.
Thanks to the following writers/readers for sharing their work!
Leslie Wibberley - Just a Little Push
You can find this complete story here: https://www.writersdigest.com/wd-competitions/romance-first-place-winner-just-a-little-push
Leslie's website is https://lesliewibberley.com/
Or follow her on Twitter https://twitter.com/feismomor Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lesliewibberley/
Mahrie Reid - The Left-Behind Bride
Read some of Mahrie's writing tips, and find links to her novels at https://www.mahriegreid.com
Nicole Iversen - Game Over
To learn more about Nicole, and to read the rest of her stories, go here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicoleiversenwriter/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17992902.Nicole_Iversen
Brave New Girls Website: bravenewgirls.weebly.com
Stephanie Galay - Evergreen
Find Stephanie on Goodreads and BookBub, andat stephaniegalaywriter.wordpress.com
Twitter @stephanie_galay
Evergreen is available on Amazon.

Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
27 - Gatekeeper's Deception 4 - I Always Said She Was Trouble
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
The company arrives in Plicatha and meets Phennil's family. Lord Fyrhen has some alarming views, which generate...discussion. Phennil shows his mettle.
My website: http://kristawallace.com
Find my audiobooks on Chirp! https://www.chirpbooks.com/search?q=Krista%20Wallace&filter=authors
Find my audiobooks on Apple Books! https://books.apple.com/us/author/krista-wallace/id1153781706#see-all/audio-books

Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
28 - Gatekeeper's Deception 5 - Are You Prepared to Pay
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Derry scolds Kyer for her disrespect to Lord Fyrhen, whose decision fuels discussion among the group. The company arrives at Kayme's tower, where he gives them another decision to discuss.
My website: http://kristawallace.com
Find my audiobooks on Chirp! https://www.chirpbooks.com/search?q=Krista%20Wallace&filter=authors
Find my audiobooks on Apple Books! https://books.apple.com/us/author/krista-wallace/id1153781706#see-all/audio-books

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
29 - Gatekeeper's Deception 6 - More Powerful Than You Know
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Kyer finds out what Kayme, the greatest wizard in all of Rydris, wants of her. Her friends speculate on that very thing.
In my intro I talk about Matt being a guest on a podcast with our colleague and friend, Jay Swing, with whom I worked a few years ago on My Fair Lady. He was part of the amazing backstage crew. Here is the link to his podcast about the live event industry, Swing's Soapbox: https://swingssoapbox.podbean.com